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Free Splunk Resources

For getting started with Splunk, you have two options: use the cloud version, or download it to your system.

All the info it asks for on the page is required, but you can put in Unknown or None for the job title and company if you don’t want to put anything there.

For Windows users:

Download msi on website and run, will need to test

For Mac users:

Download dmg or tgz, should still work because of rosetta program on macs with apple chips, will need to test

For Linux users:

Splunk download site has .tgz, .rpm, and .deb, though may be better to install with apt or other package manager, will need to test

For Arch users:

Download the splunk package from the AUR (link: AUR (en) – splunk, i use yay package manager for this), run command

$ sudo /opt/splunk/bin/splunk start

Open instance of in a browser, login, and can start getting tours of different sections

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Made a SPLUNK trial account and played Boss of The SOC

SPLK-1001 Splunk Exam Info and Free Practice Test | ExamTopics

One last thing: when you sign up for the exam, you first have to “connect” your Splunk account to Pearson (the testing company.) This is done on the Splunk website. 3 days later, you’ll get an email in your inbox with a code you use to schedule your test. Be sure to do this 3 days before you want to test! Otherwise, you’ll be waiting on the email.

Good luck!